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Which snow melting mat is best for you? Snow Melting Mat Comparison

Which snow melting mat is best for you? Snow Melting Mat Comparison

Tips On Keeping Ice Off Of Your Stairs

Winter brings a lot of fun and enjoyment: the joy of Christmastime, the festivities of New Year’s, snowmen and and snowball fights, and the opportunity to warm up by a cozy fire. That said, winter brings its fair share of hassles and headaches as well: that bitter cold feeling, cold and flu season, and snow on the roads. One of the biggest dangers that winter brings is ice, especially ice on the steps leading up to your house. Slipping and falling on steps is a legitimate hazard: each year many Americans are injured (and even killed) from slipping and falling on outside steps. You might be wondering how you can keep your stairs clear of snow and ice. Luckily, this article is here to help you out.


Shovel And Salt Your Stairs Frequently


When you go to shovel your driveway and sidewalk, do not forget to shovel your staircase as well. Doing so will help prevent you from slipping and falling on ice. When you do shovel your staircase, do not just scoop the snow off–make sure to scrape the ice off with the blade of the shovel as well. This will require a little effort on your part, but it will help break up the ice on the steps. Also, remember to use rock salt on your steps frequently. This will prevent ice from forming on your staircase. You can find rock salt at most home improvement and hardware stores. Use it liberally!


Heated Tread


Heated stair treads are one of the best ways to keep ice from ever forming on your stairs in the first place. Residential heated stair treads, like the hotflake stair tread, use electricity to generate heat. These heated mats are plugged into an outlet. Hot flake stair tread is used in homes across the country to help keep the snow and ice at bay. When you use a heated mat such as this, you will be sure to greatly reduce the instances of slips and falls. The best thing about these heated stair treads is that they are very affordable and widely available.


You might be wondering where you would actually purchase hotflake stair tread. These heated mats can be found in stores and online. Search online to find the best deals. Many of the merchants who sell heated stair treads also sell other incredibly useful items, such as rugbuddy panels (used for heating area rugs).It is good practice to keep such carpet around the house for cold winters. It is also a good idea to buy heated stair tread before the winter comes, so that you are ready when the snow starts falling. By investing in these snow melting devices, you will make the walk up the stairs safer for you, your family, and your guests. Knowing that you have made your home a much safer place in the winter time should give you great peace of mind. Purchase some heated stair mats today, to be ready for winter!