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Winter is here! Check out our Heated Products

Which snow melting mat is best for you? Snow Melting Mat Comparison

Which snow melting mat is best for you? Snow Melting Mat Comparison

Save Money With Our Heated Roof Mat

Why is our Commercial Heated Roof Mat System So Cost Effective?

Snow Load Relief

  • Flat roofs are more susceptible to damage from snow and ice because they do not have angles that allow gravity to remove the weight of snow and ice that causes stress to the rooftop.
  •’s Commercial Heated Roof Mat System replaces the costly and hazardous snow removal methods used today. These outdated methods have sometimes led to serious and sometimes fatal injuries according to OSHA.

Drain and Scupper Protection and Insuring Proper Drainage

  • Drainpipes and scuppers can become clogged with ice buildup during times of sever snow and freezing temperatures, causing potential damage to rubber roofs as the snow freezes and expands. This issue also contributes to roof failure due to excessive load-bearing weight on the flat roof system.

Rooftop Equipment and Maintenance

  •’s Commercial Heated Roof Mat System keeps rooftops safe for foot-traffic during routine and emergency equipment maintenance.
  • OSHA currently requires guardrails for roofs where workers will be within 6ft of the roofs edge. Although designed to help ensure the safety of workers on the rooftop, these guardrails can become coated with ice during severe weather and cause slips and falls to maintenance workers.

Ease of Installation and Regulating

  •’s Commercial Heated Roof Mat System can be installed with fasteners or Eternabond double-sided roofing tape.
  • Automatic Control Units can be installed that will detect snow and rain, adjust temperature trigger point, adjust delay off drying timer with 30–90-minute or 2–6-hour ranges. Smart “manual on” feature operates for one delay off cycle.
  • Free layout design
  • Mats can be designed to be connected during the manufacturing process to reduce hard-wiring or need for multiple outlets.

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