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Which snow melting mat is best for you? Snow Melting Mat Comparison

Which snow melting mat is best for you? Snow Melting Mat Comparison

Business Floor Mats – All Year Round

With the excessive rain and melting snow, many people enter a business’s lobby to find it wet, slippery, dirty, and dangerous to the people that work or want to do business there.

Many businesses try to prevent injuries by providing their employees and customers with yellow signs that warn them of wet floors or spills.  The warning can be effective only if their employees or customers are paying attention to these signs and heeding them as well.

Floor mats, on the other hand, are used in many businesses and for many different reasons.  Research has shown industrial floor mats prevent many injuries in the workplace and protect their employees from fatigue, falls, spills and slips that can be detrimental to their health and the financial health of the business.

There are many companies providing floor mats for your business, and it can be a true challenge to find the right one and the right company to provide them. Many businesses make the decision to find mats that are cheaply made and won’t last the winter because the price is “right” according to them.  

The benefits businesses can get from buying well-made floor mats are numerous. From providing relief to workers’ bodies to avoid injury to presenting a welcoming entrance to their customers, floor mats are a business purchase they cannot ignore.

Anti-slip floor mats are a great addition to the entrance of any business or household where slips and falls can occur.  

Nursing homes where the entrance, dining rooms or heavy traffic areas need to be dry at all times can benefit from having anti-slip floor mats that are not only serviceable but can add some decor to the room. 

Anti-fatigue mats can provide great relief to the elderly in the nursing home as well as to the employees.  The hours an employee spends on their feet caring for the elderly can affect their level of effectiveness, and their willingness to provide the extra care if it’s needed.

Heated mats are those items we think as luxurious when in fact are a necessity for these nursing homes.  Entrance or landing heated floor mats, stairs heated mats, or anti-fatigue heated mats for recreational areas to keep the areas warm and cozy for the elderly is an investment many of these businesses feel is necessary.

The quality is important when choosing a floor mat. Your floor mat must be durable and well manufactured.  It should be able to survive exposure to heavy foot traffic, harsh weather conditions, and putting and dragging furniture on them.  Don’t choose a cheap floor mat because of the price, choose quality over price every time.